Jons-Cox and Student Doctor Matt L. demonstrate for the class a proper technique for seated lumbar treatment.

Student Doctor John B. treats fellow Student Doctor Kaitlyn.

Student Doctor Sheena gives her partner Student Doctor Nathan a firm twist to fix his aching

Student Doctors Christina and Erik show-off their superb diagnosing skills!

Student Doctor Meredith and Tim H. take a break to smile for the camera!

Student Doctor Josh G. double-checks his diagnosis and treatment of Student Doctor Regina with the supervising Dr. G.

Student Doctor Spencer shows his focus while his
partner Student Doctor Lydia waits patiently.

Kamstra uses Student Doctor Aron to show other students how to indirectly treat a lumbar dysfunction.

Student Doctor Tommy gets tough with Student Doctor
Milda's somatic dysfunction.
Student Doctor Amber and Ryan wrap up the lab with smiles!
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