January is done and gone and with that we have made it through our first system, Musculoskeletal (aka- MSK)! As a class we did very well according to the professors, and they are proud of our progress... well done everyone.

For some it was a relief to make it through
MSK and to have a system under our belts, but for others who knew what was coming... they wished
MSK would never end.

The first year class has now been introduced to Dr.
Routh from the south, whom the school recruited to help make the most out of our
Neuro system.
Neuro has gained a reputation of being a demanding and overwhelming course and the fact that is lasts twice as long as most other systems doesn't help.

Things are definitely starting to pick up. After this coming week we will have an exam every week between the
Neuro course, OPP course and
PCM course up until spring break. It will be a long haul, but we are up for the challenge.

Good luck to everyone in their studying, and again, if you have anything you want posted on the blog just let Matt Carter or Lauren
Prest know.
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