Wednesday, February 24, 2010

PCM Mental Status Report.....

The lab began with a lively portrayal of doctor and patient by Drs. Stasio and Cohen. Here Dr. Stasio attempts to calm an agitated Dr. Cohen so he can perform a mental status exam.

Dr. Stasio demonstrates the Romberg technique using Student Doctor Brent Enniss.

Some students appeared a bit nervous about facing a mental status exam.

Dr. Cohen coaches Student Doctors Zachary Wilkerson and Sola Giwa on the subtleties of neurology.

Student Doctor Tyler Hurst conducts an eye exam on fellow Student Doctor Kyle Gateley.

Student Doctor Akku Acharya asks Student Doctor Trish Lowery to show him her mandibular reflexes.

Student Doctors Summer Grace and Andy Owen passed their exams with flying colors!

OPP Lumbar Treatment Lab!

Dr. Jons-Cox and Student Doctor Matt L. demonstrate for the class a proper technique for seated lumbar treatment.
Student Doctor John B. treats fellow Student Doctor Kaitlyn.

Student Doctor Sheena gives her partner Student Doctor Nathan a firm twist to fix his aching lumbars!

Student Doctors Christina and Erik show-off their superb diagnosing skills!

Student Doctor Meredith and Tim H. take a break to smile for the camera!

Student Doctor Josh G. double-checks his diagnosis and treatment of Student Doctor Regina with the supervising Dr. G.

Student Doctor Spencer shows his focus while his partner Student Doctor Lydia waits patiently.

Dr. Kamstra uses Student Doctor Aron to show other students how to indirectly treat a lumbar dysfunction.
Student Doctor Tommy gets tough with Student Doctor Milda's somatic dysfunction.

Student Doctor Amber and Ryan wrap up the lab with smiles!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Musculoskeletal Down... Bring on NEURO!

January is done and gone and with that we have made it through our first system, Musculoskeletal (aka- MSK)! As a class we did very well according to the professors, and they are proud of our progress... well done everyone.

For some it was a relief to make it through MSK and to have a system under our belts, but for others who knew what was coming... they wished MSK would never end.
The first year class has now been introduced to Dr. Routh from the south, whom the school recruited to help make the most out of our Neuro system. Neuro has gained a reputation of being a demanding and overwhelming course and the fact that is lasts twice as long as most other systems doesn't help.
Things are definitely starting to pick up. After this coming week we will have an exam every week between the Neuro course, OPP course and PCM course up until spring break. It will be a long haul, but we are up for the challenge.

Good luck to everyone in their studying, and again, if you have anything you want posted on the blog just let Matt Carter or Lauren Prest know.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


The fun continues with our first year injection lab. If you thought cutting off someones cast with a saw was stressful try stabbing someone in the arm. I guess you could say we are all grateful for the experience of learning how to give injections or perhaps sharpening our skills, but I don't think anyone will miss being a pin cushion.Our skills were initially developed by practicing the intradermal injections on hot dogs. It was said that the experience was enjoyable... to "give hot dogs the wheals."
The subcutaneous and intramuscular injections were practiced on grapefruit and then we were let loose on our victims.
After observing both labs things seemed to run pretty smoothly without many injuries.
Artificial joints allowed us to practice joint injections as well with special technology that would signal if we were injecting in the correct place or perhaps taking out a nerve.

I was told by a few non-medical students who saw these pictures that we looked way to happy stabbing each other! All I can say is way to go team! Don't forget you can see all the pictures we took on the photobucket account. Just follow the photo album link above. As a side note, we must admit that we don't really know the exact audience of this blog (just students, or family, friends, etc.) so we are trying to write for everyone. Any suggestions are welcome.Also, don't forget the club fair coming up on the 10th, that's next Wednesday. I know all the clubs are looking to incorporate first years so we will have clubs next year! There are lots of great opportunities, and lots of stuff to do.
Have a great weekend and good luck on Monday's exam.