Our latest clinical escapade was a bloody one! The afternoon included venipunctures, IV puntures and EKGs!

Class Prez- Joshua Gazzetta, a veteran venipunture pro, let S/D Jessica Small practice drawing blood on his arm.

S/D Amanda Jo Cameron practices safe biohazard techniques and properly disposes of her sharps!

S/Ds Waheed and Hull show off their IV placement skills. S/D Hull was covered in bandaids by the end of the period! What a good friend to allow so many people to practice on him!

S/D Buetow looks handy with a needle! Dont worry S/D Allen! He looks like he's done this before!

S/D Helm places an IV catheter in a vein in S/D Hull's forearm.

Dr. Unrein shows his group of students how to set up an EKG and print out a reading. He was also the professor that lead most of our EKG lectures for the Cardiovascular unit.

All wounds aside, we learned a very valuable skill today and look forward to using it soon! Bring on rotations!
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