Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2010 Talent Show!

S/D Kabeer Shah welcomed everyone to the 2nd annual RVUCOM Talent Show! As the MC of the event he had an evening of jokes and skits for the audience to enjoy.

The night's talent included performances from both classes. Magician Chris Bender from the Class of 2014 was especially entertaining and he went on to win 2nd place overall! The main event featured a Wi boxing event between Dean Bruce Dubin and S/D Amanda Jo Cameron.
Though Dr. Dubin went on to win the close match, the two competitors remained in good spirits!
Winners from Class of 2013 include Nabila Waheed, 2nd place in the cooking competition for her delicious chile
Jason Burchett, 3rd place in the cooking competition for his quiche
Julie Watters and her husband Joel, 1st place for their class and 3rd place overall in the Talent Competition
Dr. Pales took the competition by storm, winning both the 1st place faculty and 1st place overall prize with his comedic songs about medical school.
Start planning your talents for next year everyone- the competition is steep!

Venipuncture, IV and EKG Lab

Our latest clinical escapade was a bloody one! The afternoon included venipunctures, IV puntures and EKGs!
Class Prez- Joshua Gazzetta, a veteran venipunture pro, let S/D Jessica Small practice drawing blood on his arm.
S/D Amanda Jo Cameron practices safe biohazard techniques and properly disposes of her sharps!

S/Ds Waheed and Hull show off their IV placement skills. S/D Hull was covered in bandaids by the end of the period! What a good friend to allow so many people to practice on him!

S/D Buetow looks handy with a needle! Dont worry S/D Allen! He looks like he's done this before!

S/D Helm places an IV catheter in a vein in S/D Hull's forearm.

Dr. Unrein shows his group of students how to set up an EKG and print out a reading. He was also the professor that lead most of our EKG lectures for the Cardiovascular unit.

All wounds aside, we learned a very valuable skill today and look forward to using it soon! Bring on rotations!