SOMA's Rocky Run had a huge turnout this year! 112
RVUCOM students, faculty, family members, (and a
surprising number of dogs-23 total!) came to support the event! The runners are pictured here awaiting the starting whistle!

And they're off!

Student Doctor Chris
Healy destroyed the competition- completing the 5K in just over 17 minutes!!!

After the race
RVUCOM's UAAO was available to treat the runners' injuries and aching muscles.

Several faculty members from the OPP department came to support the cause and supervise
UAAO students.
Here, Dr. Jons- Cox checks Student Doctor Amber Pelzl's diagnosis of a lumbar somatic dysfunction.
Student Doctor and OMM Fellow Jeremy Kenison treats one of the parents that ran in the 5K.
Student Doctor Sara Ponce sought out the help of Student Doctor Joe Krakker when she injured her pelvic muscles while running.

Even a fighting prairie dog showed up to show his school spirit!
Thanks for a great event everyone! See you next year!
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