Always a good time in the old PCM lab. Now that we have a few weeks of Neuro under our belts things are really picking up. This week we received more instruction on stabbing each other. Luckily this time we didn't have to practice on each other.

It's always exciting to learn about cool techniques like the lumbar puncture or a nerve block, but practicing them, and the thought of trying them on a real person for the first time can be a daunting thought.

At least modern technology gives us the opportunity to practice with some kind of accuracy in feedback. Plus we have some great and very experienced doctors showing us the ropes.

Just one last week of Neuro and then it's on to Spring break! I don't think Friday can come fast enough! There has been a ton of studying at school and just about every conversation in the hallways has to do with some aspect of Neurology!

Good luck on the test everyone. Study hard and we will totally rock it!